Samah Tawil

PharmD, MSc, PhD

Associate Member

Samah Tawil holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health from the “École doctorale de santé publique”, Université Paris-Est, France. She also has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Lebanese American University, a Master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacy, and a Clinical and Medical Research diploma from the Lebanese University; all her degrees were obtained with high distinction. Her PhD focused on mast-cells driven diseases, namely urticaria, in its different aspects: basic clinical epidemiology of the disease, main risk factors, and impact on patient quality of life. She recently performed the cross-validation of the Arabic versions of the Chronic Urticaria Quality of Life questionnaire (CU-Q2oL) and the Urticaria Activity Score (UAS7), which are now being adopted by many Arabic countries of the Gulf region for the assessment of chronic urticaria and its impact on patient daily activities. She also developed a novel self-reported diagnostic tool for urticaria named SRUD, which might be the basis of future epidemiological studies related to urticaria in the Middle East. As an academic researcher, her career has been focused on medical, toxicology, and public health research. Her research interests include but are not limited to public health, epidemiology, and pharmaceutical/medical education.